In our versatile and well-equipped learning center located on Waffenplatzstrasse in Zurich, children can learn how to get started with programming in a playful way. Our teaching method is based on an age-appropriate and playful introduction to the fascinating world of computer science with a varied selection of modules from different real-life application areas: - Robotics, Electronics, and Physical Computing allow for tangible and graspable exposure to programmable systems in our real world.
- Through their own computer games, children create their own virtual worlds with which they can interact.
- Computer animation allows children to creatively tell stories and bring the creatures of their imaginations to life. Based on their interests, children can choose their own activities from the different themes together with our instructors. Throughout all these activities, a common thread is the gradual development of computer science skills with increasingly complex tools: depending on age, starting with observation, analysis and algorithmic thinking, simple graphical programming environments such as Thymio VPL, Candli or ScratchJr, to Scratch, probably the best known and most used graphical block programming language, to professional programming languages such as Python. We place special emphasis on not overwhelming the children too quickly with increasingly complex tools, but that they first understand the basics of programming and can apply them independently.